An obvious title, right?
Sorry to say it, but as scary as it may seem right now, being honest with yourself is the hardest yet most essential part of recovery.
Some of you reading this probably aren’t even sure what you need to be honest about yet. But by asking yourself that very question you may be one step closer than you realize to changing your life for the better.
Take a minute. Why did you click on this? Perhaps you can relate to me, are interested in my other posts, or are wondering where to go next. I never searched for anything eating disorder related until after I spoke out to my loved ones and accepted I ‘might’ have a problem.
Once I had, I found out so much more about myself that I’d never before taken notice of. I have started to recognize what it is saying and I am learning to overlook its negative thoughts and replace them with my own feelings of love, positivity, and happiness. I will be honest and say yes I am ambivalent about facing my disorder, but I know it’s because I’m scared to face my fears. That is how I know I’m still learning to recover. After all, anyone can give advice, but we all know the hardest advice to take is your own.
So you’ve started to read this and have opened yourself up to the idea that you might have a problem, you might need support, you might want to change. Trust in yourself. You know it’s time to be honest. If you haven’t yet said whatever it is out loud, then say it now…
Hard isn’t it. Do you hear that ambivalence shouting out? ‘What problem’. ‘What eating disorder’. You’ve become the master of deceit, a liar by default, and all because of what? You’ve listened to it for too long. All this covering up has become exhausting. I don’t want to trick myself anymore and I don’t want to produce anymore lies. Don’t rob yourself of your true identity. Don’t con everyone around you that you aren’t suffering. It’s okay to be human…we all have our hang-ups.
If you don’t feel ready yet to share your story with someone you trust, then for now just respect yourself enough to be open and honest about what’s really going on.
Write it down. Say it out loud. You are not alone.
It’s time to take back control, instill your inner power, and begin your journey of happiness. A whole new world of excitement, love, and laughter is out there waiting for you.