I am sitting at home, laptop aimed at my face. I join a virtual waiting room and a…
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How Shaving My Hair Off Meant Finding Myself
I shaved my head a month ago, but it hit me while I was scrolling through Instagram. I’m…
Why I Stopped Wearing Makeup
Putting on makeup is part of most women’s everyday routine. I used to be one of those girls…
3 Ways To To Find Your Inner Beauty
For a long time, I struggled to find my definition of beauty. For most people, beauty is defined…
How Wearing Leg Braces Taught Me About Self-Love
I struggled with my appearance for quite some time, especially in my tween and teen years. Most of…
What Reading My Old Blogs Taught Me About Self-Love
A few days ago, I was surfing the web when I stumbled across some of my old blogs…