Especially when the weather is nice, I love going outside to spend time with family or just to have a few minutes alone. Being in nature forces us to stop what we’re doing, put down our electronic devices, and soak up the world around us. Even though we’d probably prefer to “stay connected,” it’s good to allow ourselves embrace nature from time to time.
Being in nature brings me a sense of peace and calm. It helps me focus both on my work-related growth and on my personal growth in general. The ways that I appreciate nature may look different every day, but I strongly believe that no matter how we choose to enjoy nature, we should take steps to save it.
I am concerned about our climate and how we don’t take care of our world. It’s highly possible that future generations may be deprived of the ability to step into nature because we decided not to take care of our planet. Future children don’t deserve to not know their natural surroundings. Yet here we are, not doing anywhere near enough to preserve the outdoors.
I try and do my part to keep the outside world beautiful. For the past couple years, I have taken part in an annual community event called Clean Sweep, where community members volunteer to clean up the outdoors. Every year, the amount of trash we pick up at the event amazes me.
When I attend Clean Sweep, I feel saddened and inspired at the same time. The amount of garbage we collect saddens me because all of that trash is polluting our world. It’s disappointing that we have to organize an event dedicated to picking up (which we all should be doing on our own) every year, but I am also inspired by just how many people attend. Entire families join us to clean up, and it’s nice to see parents showing their kids what it means to take care of nature. These parents are leading by example and being the solution, rather then the problem. We definitely need more of their attitude in the world.
The best way to protect our planet is not just buying eco-friendly light bulbs and solar-paneled roofs; it’s cleaning up our environment. Environmental conservation shouldn’t be seen as just a trend; we should protect our environment because it is needed for generations to come. Future children deserve the ability to appreciate nature, and it’s not up to them to clean up our messes. So let’s clean our world, encourage our children, and teach them to protect nature.