Coming Out of the Rabbit Hole

I am and always have been an Alice in Wonderland girl. I’ll take any adventure and I’m curious.  Also, as my friend reminded me recently, sometimes my mind can take me down a rabbit hole. I walked today, off the normal trail. Just as life now, we are off a bit from our paths and finding new comfort, balance.  I saw new things today. A path not noticed before, art- two stones with inspiring messages and painted with bright colors, bells chiming from a church miles away, and different flowers blooming.

I, probably like you, am not liking the change in life’s routine right now. It’s uncomfortable and I was still trying to get my life right finding my normal in the normal that I knew. Also, I have learned I do NOT like working from home.

On my walk, I remembered my unexpected interruption almost three years ago when I had a heart attack. That point in my life paused me and everything felt like it stopped.  I lost parts of me. There was a different way to be and a new plan, way of life. With that things moved, shifted but in slooooow motion. Again similar to right now in everyone’s life, we are all in a shift.. feelings of fear, uncertainty, anxiousness and seeking calmness.

If I did not have that heart attack in 2017, I would have not met people that are in my almost every day now. I can’t imagine life without them. I had friendships then that were abandoned, but renewed. Significant pieces of my life came together because of that chapter unfolding.

I believe that is just like our now. This worldwide epidemic that we are experiencing is something we are in together.  It may feel like we are on a wrong page right now, however,  there are good things that can come of this.  Don’t go down the rabbit hole.

Mr Rogers said ..”look for the helpers.”

I say, look for the positives.

What are your positives?

Amy Scott

Born in Atlantic City NJ, and raised in NEPA. Forever a lover of sand and ocean, but would escape to the woods and a cabin. Fan of traveling, small coffee shops, real feels and deep conversations. A girl that will throw the car in reverse to photograph something that catches her eye. Continuing to find herself even at 40. Amy holds the first four year college degree in her family history. A mother of two daughters who come first. Photographer of family and abstract. Writer of life pieces and poetry. Passionate in inspiring others to always find the positive.

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