I am and always have been an Alice in Wonderland girl. I’ll take any adventure and I’m curious. Also, as my friend reminded me recently, sometimes my mind can take me down a rabbit hole. I walked today, off the normal trail. Just as life now, we are off a bit from our paths and finding new comfort, balance. I saw new things today. A path not noticed before, art- two stones with inspiring messages and painted with bright colors, bells chiming from a church miles away, and different flowers blooming.
I, probably like you, am not liking the change in life’s routine right now. It’s uncomfortable and I was still trying to get my life right finding my normal in the normal that I knew. Also, I have learned I do NOT like working from home.
On my walk, I remembered my unexpected interruption almost three years ago when I had a heart attack. That point in my life paused me and everything felt like it stopped. I lost parts of me. There was a different way to be and a new plan, way of life. With that things moved, shifted but in slooooow motion. Again similar to right now in everyone’s life, we are all in a shift.. feelings of fear, uncertainty, anxiousness and seeking calmness.
If I did not have that heart attack in 2017, I would have not met people that are in my almost every day now. I can’t imagine life without them. I had friendships then that were abandoned, but renewed. Significant pieces of my life came together because of that chapter unfolding.
I believe that is just like our now. This worldwide epidemic that we are experiencing is something we are in together. It may feel like we are on a wrong page right now, however, there are good things that can come of this. Don’t go down the rabbit hole.
Mr Rogers said ..”look for the helpers.”
I say, look for the positives.
What are your positives?