{ Topic: Passions & Potential }
Wednesday, April 25th
Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend an ATHENA Panel Luncheon, which in a nutshell means we got to hear four incredible women answer questions about their careers, paths, setbacks, and more for a little over an hour. Two of the biggest things that stuck out to me were (1) the consistent concept of pushing forward and following your own true path and (2) you’re going to fail – you’re going to fall flat on your face…a lot – but you’re also going to get back up and you’re going to be a better person because of it.
I felt extremely energized after the luncheon. I wanted to go out and change everything about everything. It reignited a feeling in me that I haven’t felt in quite some time honestly. I knew I had to use the positive energy for something good. In that same breath, I started making calls and sending messages to people to sit down and brainstorm an idea I’ve had brewing in my heart and mind for well over a year now. (More to come?! Stay tuned.)
Here’s the thing: In those moments, I decided that I do not want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I’m meant to do and what I’m passionate about. In a world that doesn’t always make it easy for your light to be seen, I say do everything in your power to shine brighter. One day, your light might help someone else find their way or might change something for the better. That’s what happened to me while listening to those women speak. Their lights were shining and I could see something in my future a little bit clearer for a brief moment. That was all I needed to take action.
Keep in mind: You do not have to change or save the entire world. Work on making it a better place for some people. You might be asking, well how do I do that? Focus on yourself and your immediate surroundings. I promise you with every positive word, every positive action, that you put out into the world around you the ripple effect will begin. You may never know how far or wide these things will go but I can assure you – they do and will matter. We are all important and we are all playing a part in the bigger picture – and when we are being fueled by our inner most passions, we become pure, real-life magic.
I discovered that when you accept yourself and embrace your passions other people tend to accept you too. I think we often forget that most people actually aren’t sitting around concerned about what we have going on day in and day out. Sometimes it’s easy to feel consumed by the thought that everyone around us are watching and waiting for what we’re going to do next, but honestly they’re more preoccupied with their own lives, their own happiness, their own hardships, to ever really put that much focus or weight on your individual life.
I am not saying that there are not people out there that don’t care about you – don’t get me wrong here. I am just saying that I hope you recognize the importance of refocusing your own attention on yourself and maintaining a positive mindset about what you have on your own plate. Find a focus within yourself, give yourself and your passions the attention they deserve, and see what unfolds.
Be able to say to yourself: This is where I’ve been. This is who I am. These are my passions.- And be okay with that.
Honestly, I hope you find or have found a passion in life and try incorporate it into your life in some way, shape, or form every single day. In the grand scheme of your incredible life do not let someone who does not know who you are at your core or what you are about hold you back from experiencing, creating, or doing something unforgettable, fun, or even life-changing.
Your story doesn’t have to be dramatic, over-the-top, or life-threatening to matter – it only has to be real.
Peace signs and positive vibes,