My favorite band changed my life forever

Have you ever felt like you’re in an endless black hole with no way out?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with doubt with a feeling that you’re never good enough?

Don’t worry, I’ve been there, too.

It is my goal in this piece to show how music has saved my life, more specifically Lifehouse’s music. When someone is depressed or stricken with a horrible panic disorder, for instance, society comes up with one basic solution, and that is to medicate until the pain is numb. Have you ever thought of a possible alternative route?

I am not saying it will work for everyone, but this article might offer a bit of hope. My teen years were very distraught, to put it lightly. As one might imagine, it is hard enough to become a lonely member of society in your teens, not to mention one that is wheelchair dependent like I am. My teen years were riddled with teasing and being told I would never amount to anything.

I was even told I wasn’t college material and not to pursue a college education. Needless to say, I was feeling overshadowed by what seemed like an unrelenting black hole. I wanted so badly to retaliate against my Cerebral Palsy.

I was angry with God.

I wanted to be “free” of all of my limitations, just to break free of all that was holding me back from living a “normal” life. In fact, these feelings got so bad that I began having suicidal thoughts. I knew it would be a way out, albeit one that was overly selfish and frankly, a bit of a cop-out. I knew my heart was telling me that I needed to find something
to help me before I took action and actually ended my life.

Lifehouse’s music was that it factor for me. Every time I would feel the slight urge to hurt myself, I would lie down on my floor, close my eyes, turn my CD player on, and blast the music. I let the lyrics absorb in my mind, and I no longer left as lonely as before because their lyrics spoke to my mind and my heart. They are so deep and poignant. They let me know that they, too, want a place to hide, to shield the pain that cuts to heart and stings so badly. I am so unbelievably thankful for their music,
and I thank God for them every day of my life. I feel that God brought their music to me in the time when I needed it most.

I always like to refer to Lifehouse as my band-aid, because they have
covered up and alleviated so much of my unwanted feelings. They are my saving grace, and yes, literally saving face. I have tried to thank them previously for their music, but I don’t think a thank you
or an “I love you guys so much” will ever do them justice. You cannot replace a life. They will always have a special place in my heart and my mind. They will ALWAYS mean everything to me; they will always be irreplaceable. No matter how hard I try to have another deep seeded connection with a band, it never quite works.

The best advice I have for someone who is suffering from severe depression and other disorders is to find your saving grace. Find what it is that keeps you going every day, fuels your purpose for life, and keeps your heart beating. Seek out your saving grace. If you are worried about not being able to find it, don’t worry, God will show you. That’s what he did for me, and I always thank Him for that.

I would not have survived without the meaningful inspiration of Lifehouse’s music. He showed it to me at precisely the right time. You never know what may come your way when you need it most. Life is remarkable, and it contains numerous blessings, some more obvious than others. It is my hope that the readers of this piece are inspired and are now motivated to seek out their saving grace. I hope it affects you as profoundly and as positively as Lifehouse has done for me. 🙂

Karla Culbertson

Karla is a 33 year old independent writer. She is wheelchair dependent due to Cerebral Palsy, chronic pain, and hip dysplasia, but she does not let that stop her from enjoying life. It is Karla's goal in life to inspire and uplift others. She loves writing positive blog posts that may have the potential of inspiring others and bettering their lives.

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