A few years ago, I decided to start a YouTube channel to spread awareness of what it’s like…
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Life Lessons From NF
I’ve lived my entire life with the genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis (NF) – that word alone is a…
How Advocating For My Disability Gave Me A Voice
I first started advocating for Cerebral Palsy when I was 18 years old. For as long as I…
Meeting myself…again.
Some days I feel like I’m just floating, my head is just above water. The days of the…
In A World Where You Can Choose Anything, Choose Kindness
For the longest time I have always been unsure of who I am. I have always killed myself…
What Happened When I Loved And Lost You
You never stole my heart – but I let you have it. I handed it to you, threw…