Look For The Beauty, Explore The World

Don’t wait for things to be perfect; make every day count. Get out there and live! Life is not infinite, so live it as if time were running out. There’s a whole wide world out there to explore.

Mother Nature has finally blessed Chicago with summer weather to enjoy, and I’m thankful that it gives me the ability to explore.

Follow my lead – find the joy in simple pleasures! Here are a few of my favorites:

Watch the birds, butterflies, and bees.

Walk through the botanical garden in your area.

Partake in local farmers’ markets.

Listen to an outdoor concert.

Make a bonfire and stargaze.

Go to the beach.

Take the kids or dog to the park.

Go for a walk through the neighborhood, and pay attention to all of the architectural details.

Bike ride through the forest preserve.

Go to the zoo or an amusement park.

Have a beer in an outdoor beer garden.

Dine alfresco.

There’s so much to do and so little time. My trusty digital camera and I will be searching new places to find simple beauty, whether it’s in a plate of perfectly prepared sushi or a flower sprout pushing through the concrete. I encourage you to find beauty in everyday activities, too.

I’ve always had an appreciation for nature and finding beauty in the simplest places. Through my eyes, there’s beauty in an unusually-shaped tree, the stars and moon, and the waves splashing against the shore.

I don’t need a passport to find those things, however, there are amazing places to visit. I’ve never been out of the United States, so I’ve decided to get a passport. In spite of my many health problems, I’m motivated to explore our beautiful planet, promising myself to take a trip to new destinations at least once a year.

Taking a journey adds spice to your life, whether it’s to a local venue or across the planet. Don’t wait for tomorrow, for when you retire, or for things to get better. Live for today. Go outside. Plan a trip. Explore!

Michele Palermo

Michele is a retired registered nurse who spent 15 years in Emergency Medicine. That's where she learned there's a fragility to life. Diagnosed with lupus, after going through a divorce, taught her to be a survivor instead of a victim. With her career shortened by illness she turned to books. She fell in love with the written word as a young child. To her, words convey emotion. Her new passion is writing. As an aspiring author, she hopes to inspire others on this roller coaster called life.

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