Victory. What exactly is victory? What kind of meaning does it possess in your life? I know very well what it means for me; it is inspiration, it is the joy I have in my life; it is the cornerstone of everything in me; it is Jesus.
September 1st is an important milestone in my walk with Christ because it is a day I so vividly remember as one of the lowest days of my life, but then I am also reminded of just how much I am loved by Him and how far He’s brought me from the pit of my depression and self acceptance issues, as my blog, “Molly’s Zone” celebrated its 2nd birthday on none other than…you guessed it, September 1st.
I have personally struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager; three years ago on this very day, I hit rock bottom. I had just graduated college, could not find a job, my mother had just been diagnosed with lupus, and my friends were seemingly moving on with their lives. Well, where did that leave me? I felt like life had just left me stranded in a dark alley on a street where I had no sense of direction and no one to help me find my way.
I lost it all. Or so, I thought.
Well, sometimes God uses those dark times to get our attention on Him; He can and will use circumstances to show us how big He is. Even if it means losing the things you think you need.
A few months passed by, and I ended up answering His call for my life to become a writer that I’d been aware of for years but so defiantly ignored. I wasn’t sure where life would take me, but I had been praying incessantly and after randomly being offered the chance to become a blogger, I was certain this was an answer to my tearful prayers.
Prayer changes things. Excitedly, I named my blog, “Molly’s Zone”, something catchy and youthful. I wanted to inspire those with disabilities. It gives me confidence. It gives me peace. It gives me joy.
In my heart of hearts, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my blog began exactly a year after my lowest low; I think there is more meaning behind it than what I or anyone else could see at the time. God’s plan was always in motion. In my walk with the Lord, I have realized that sometimes He has to break you to make you.
He has given me so much to be joyful about in these last two years. God makes no mistakes, He knows our lives from beginning to end. As a Christian nothing happens to you, things happen for you: to either teach you, test you, guide you, or to strengthen you.
I am a better version of myself because of what I’ve gone through. I am thankful for the blessed life I live, my writing journey and all of the wonderful people I’ve met. I’m thankful that I get to have a career making the lives of those with disabilities a little bit brighter.
I am just a human. All of my accomplishments and victories are His. Thank you Jesus for seeing me celebrate my 2nd year of being depression free. I’m not perfect, but I could not have gotten this far without you.