We try everything to develop our characters, especially at this time of year when self-improvement is all the…
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The Quest to Find Pockets of Peace
Peace isn’t easily found anymore. Even if we don’t have children, the world is overpopulated and in the…
4 Reasons Why Pursuing Your Dreams Is The Hardest and Most Rewarding Thing You’ll Ever Do
We are a generation of dreamers. Armed with the notion that we can be whatever we want, not…
The 5 Mantras That Could Change Your Life
The power of words is staggering. For me, they have created worlds, fostered passions and granted me immeasurable…
You Will Know Unconditional Love, If You Learn to Love Yourself
Coveted by us all, and notoriously difficult to acquire, unconditional love is a sensation many of us chase.…
3 Things People With Misophonia Want You to Know
Misophonia. You may not have heard of it, but you probably know someone who has it. You may…