Bohemian Rhapsody released in the movies; I had to see it. It’s Queen! I mean, come on! They’re…
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Always Keep Moving Forward
365 days have come and gone. During this time, as most do I tend to reflect on what…
Living in the Age of the Workaholic
It’s the beginning of November, which means it’s also that point in the semester when I start to…
4 Reasons Why Pursuing Your Dreams Is The Hardest and Most Rewarding Thing You’ll Ever Do
We are a generation of dreamers. Armed with the notion that we can be whatever we want, not…
Turn Off Auto-Pilot
You are enough. What you are doing is enough. What you choose to be is enough. Some…
Sometimes The End Is Just The Serendipity of a New Beginning
"I am not a gymnast. Rather, I am the one who constantly stumbles and falls, finally embracing the…