5 Last Minute Gifts You Can Get For Someone You Love

Can you all believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow? I can’t. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? You might be struggling to find those last-minute Christmas gifts right now.

If your struggling right now, have no fear and don’t panic! I’m here to give you 5 last minute Christmas gift idea! So hear you go:

  1. A hat or mittens- it’s cold this time of year. So give someone a hat or gloves this year . No one wants to freeze at all and it will come in handy through the whole rest of winter as we still have a long way before it’s all over.
  2. A journal- Hey, this could be a great gift for writers out there. Is someone you know a writer? Well this is the gift for them! They can write down thoughts or ideas throughout the day or ideas for articles. Cool huh?
  3. A mug- I love this kind of gift. If you’re like me, you are a big sucker for a good hot cup of hot chocolate on a cold day. Is anyone in your family a hot chocolate lover? Then sneak this gift in their stocking or gift bag. Any hot chocolate freak would love this kind of thing. Imagine how worn out it will be from so much use in a year.
  4. Ordainment- if you go shopping you may hear someone say, Oh I want this ordainment, but it’s too expensive and I don’t have money to buy it.” Ding ding! This is where you come in. Go to that store, buy the ordainment that person’s been dying for, and sneak it with their gifts. The look on their face will be priceless.
  5. A gift card- if you don’t have time to buy a huge gift, that’s ok! A gift card will be just fine! To any place- sometime a small gift is better than nothing!

Christmas is all about spending time with family, eating good and watching the joy on the  yhe people you loves faces when they open their presents. That’s what it’s about. Not about the money you spent, not about drama, and not about just you. Make the best of this holiday season!

I hope your Christmas is filled with love, laughter and all the joy possible.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year Project Wednesday Community!

Juliana Ruggiero

Juliana is 18 and fresh out of High school. She graduated with High honors. Writing is something she really enjoys doing and everyone that knows her tells her she has a gift for it. Juliana is a hopeless Italian food addict, loves meeting new people and making new friends. She is very laid back and easy going. Juliana is here to inspire everyone and give it her all. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body. Her career began in July of 2016 after reaching out and offering to be interviewed for The Abler Blog. Since that interview, after seeing all the positive feedback she was getting from everyone, it pushed her to do more with her writing! Pushing herself to do more has lead Juliana to some of the most kind and supportive people she could ask for! She is grateful that she took that "leap of faith."

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