Due to my Cerebral palsy and my needs, my parents decided to get me a miniature schnauzer five years ago in order to help with my special needs and daily tasks. Throughout those five years I’ve had many adventures with my four-legged best friend, Hobbs. We have traveled the world together, we cuddled together we watch Disney Junior together on a day-to-day basis since he likes watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, we played outside together. Needless to say we’ve done many things together but throughout the years he’s taught me some very valuable life lessons.
1. It’s okay to be a big kid once in a while before Hobbs I would be so embarrassed to still have a love for children’s cartoons like Spongebob Squarepants and Nickelodeon’s Alvin and chipmunks everytime someone would catch me watching it either cartoon I would change the channel to something more age appropriate.
2. It’s okay to do the things you don’t like every once in a while. For example, Hobbs has never been a fan of getting his hair groomed and combed but even though he doesn’t like the feeling of the brush he has always been so brave. He really inspires me when it comes to that area in my life because there are many things I don’t like doing like going to the doctors and getting blood work done or getting on a roller coaster but Hobbs has taught me that every once in a while it’s good to do those things just so that you have experience in life.
3. You’re never too old for some loving and kisses. Ever since Hobbs was a little puppy he’s always licked me half to death and he’s just so full of love and he’s always so happy despite what goes on in life. He always brings a smile to my face what doctors have to say about my cerebral palsy and health.
4. Be happy every day of your life despite the challenges you have ahead of you Hobbs has always been a happy dog that is never sad he’s always so happy and thrilled for his next adventure there have been many days where Hobbs has inspired me to be happy although
all bad day I had in my time of having him he’s taught me that no obstacle could be worth sadness’s and there’s always a bright side to something awful and it takes time to find them but don’t give up.