Leave Your Mark On The World

I personally aim to leave my mark on the world with everything I do. I try to change the world with the work I do to better my community. I also try to leave my mark with my writing. I like to think that maybe someone saw a piece I wrote at just the time they needed to, and maybe it helped them feel less alone. In my personal life, I try to leave my mark by being a supportive friend and family member. I have even listened to complete strangers who needed someone who cared.

For me, leaving my mark on the world is more about how I’ve helped others than my accomplishments. Sure, I’ve achieved some things I’m very proud of, but I pride myself more on being a good person and a support in others’ lives.

When people think of how they will leave their mark on the world, they are quick to examine the events of their past or place a lot of pressure on their future dreams. I believe that we should instead look at what we are presently doing and how it impacts others. Our time on this planet is not guaranteed. Therefore we should live every day as if it is our last impression. Changing yourself for the better will have an immediate impact and in turn can influence you to hold a positive mindset.

Altering your mindset about your impact can serve as an example for future generations to come. Despite any previous challenges you have faced, changing your attitude can change your impact on the world. Don’t examine past choices or regrets, like your career path or your material possessions. Rather, look into the friendships and connections that you have made. Are they authentic? Do they serve you and the other party for the greater good? If you answered “yes,” you’re halfway there. If you answered “no,” there’s no time like the present to start changing yourself for the good of others. Leave your mark on the world, and let it be your legacy.

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