One of the most important lessons I have learned is that you must foster your roots. I have…
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Why I Am Happy Being Single
I am the woman who has spent more time being single than being in relationships, and I recently…
Why Your Effect On Others Is Your Most Valuable Currency
I work for a small organization. There are only five full time employees, and two of us work…
Why Women Don’t Need To Carry A Man’s Baggage
This morning I am exhausted. This 10-week-old little human woke up five times throughout the night. In actuality,…
What It Truly Means To Be A Friend
Dedicated to my friends near and far. Regardless of the distance, know that I carry you in my…
Always Befriend The Friendless Ones
Imagine this scenario: You’re sitting in your room alone. Your phone has been silent for days, no one…