An Open Letter to my Life

Dear Life:

You test me. You test me so much sometimes and in my own daily living that if someone were to ask me what I’d do without all of your challenges, I’d be in a state of stupor. I understand that challenges are a part of living, but don’t you think you could lighten the load a little bit? You’re causing me to increase my prayers. I pray nightly, but lately, I’ve been praying two to three times a day. You’re making the challenges flow my my tired eyes in the form of free-flowing tears, which in turn make me feel like a zombie the next morning. You have given me a life in which I must live in a wheelchair, where everything aches so much so that it is difficult now as I age to even sit on the floor. I’m exhausted. I feel as though everyday is a marathon. You wear me down. You wind my patience over and over again and it really makes me wonder when thin is too thin. But you know what, life? Throughout the trials and tribulations, and as of late, there are many, you have shown me that you’re only giving me these challenges. To see how long I will last. To see, if in fact, I will live far beyond my expiration date, and for that, I am intensely grateful. I’ve held on to you at times with the meager strength of a newborn baby, and other times I have held so tightly that you couldn’t push me away with even the strongest of winds. You have let me down many times, but as many times as you have let me down, you have also lifted me up. You have shown me what a strong, courageous, and powerful influence I really am. Going from feeling worthless to now so incredibly giving in my own life and even more so in the lives of others is a gift beyond measure. Perhaps the best one you’ve ever given me. The spirit of kindness and compassion can not be limited and life, you have given me an abundance. Thank you from the unhinged roots of my soul to the bottom of my heart. Even when times are hard, I know how to keep going thanks to your brutal lessons. You are a gift not just today, but every single day I am able to open my eyes and take a breath. I’ll never be able to repay you for sustaining me. For keeping me alive. For keeping my fire burning. Most importantly, though, keeping my love alive and passion in my heart. The smallest of gifts can be found in the biggest of creations.

Karla Culbertson

Karla is a 33 year old independent writer. She is wheelchair dependent due to Cerebral Palsy, chronic pain, and hip dysplasia, but she does not let that stop her from enjoying life. It is Karla's goal in life to inspire and uplift others. She loves writing positive blog posts that may have the potential of inspiring others and bettering their lives.

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