A Short Poem About Spirit

When your spirit feels broken, don’t let it get the best of you .

Be humble and be kind.

If someone treats you like crap, walk away. Don’t let someone’s bitterness steal your joy or happiness.

Keep your spirit full and happy. Do not let any type of negativity fill it.

If anyone tells you can’t do something don’t listen to them. Use your power and spirit  to prove them wrong.

When life feels out of control, Keep a kind spirt and heart even though it’s hard.

When life’s rough, stop and let go of the things you cannot control.  The one thing you can control is your spirit. Maintain it.

Keep that spirit and head up high. It will get you as far as you want to go.

Your spirit is yours and only yours, no one else’s.

So make it the best spirits in the history of all spirits.

Juliana Ruggiero

Juliana is 18 and fresh out of High school. She graduated with High honors. Writing is something she really enjoys doing and everyone that knows her tells her she has a gift for it. Juliana is a hopeless Italian food addict, loves meeting new people and making new friends. She is very laid back and easy going. Juliana is here to inspire everyone and give it her all. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body. Her career began in July of 2016 after reaching out and offering to be interviewed for The Abler Blog. Since that interview, after seeing all the positive feedback she was getting from everyone, it pushed her to do more with her writing! Pushing herself to do more has lead Juliana to some of the most kind and supportive people she could ask for! She is grateful that she took that "leap of faith."

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